Connecting with target audiences and building credibility is essential for all companies, whether they are B2B or B2C. Public relations is a strategy that helps a brand do just that by utilizing various credible communication channels.

Public Relations Explained

Public relations is the process of identifying and sharing a brand’s story with key audiences through organic channels. The Public Relations Society of America defines public relations as being “the strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”

A key objective of public relations is to create a positive brand image that positions the company as being transparent, relevant, important and intriguing.

A public relations strategy centers around storytelling. The key difference between public relations vs. advertising vs. marketing is that public relations is earned exposure whereas advertising and marketing are paid channels. For example, if a mechanic shop wants to inform drivers who are driving on the freeway of its tune-up services, they can implement either an advertising strategy or a public relations strategy. One option to capture drivers’ attention is with a billboard that highlights the company’s name and how its offerings can benefit the driver. This is considered advertising as the company paid the owner of the billboard to display the message about its services. The second route the company can take to reach drivers who are driving down the freeway is to reach them via a local radio station that they may be listening to as they drive. To execute on this, the company would work with a PR professional who has relationships with media and experience pitching broadcast media. In this case, the PR consultant might pitch an interview with the lead mechanic to discuss her top tips for preparing your vehicle for winter driving. This interview would add value to the listeners’ lives and also establish the mechanic shop as leaders in the area for winter driving preparation. Whether or not this interview ultimately is aired is in the hands of the radio station, and therefore, not a pay-to-play form of communication.

Why is PR Important? 

Establishing Key Messaging

Public relations plays an important role in a brand’s overall communications strategy. Working with a PR professional will help to establish a brand’s story and key messages that articulate the unique selling points of the product or services. A PR strategy with well thought out messaging points creates the foundation for a brand to build out its broader communication strategy to include marketing, advertising and social media, ensuring each channel has cohesive messaging. Developing messaging that resonates with target audiences and is impactful is an important component of creating a clear brand story for consumers to identify with. As they become familiar with the company’s story and how the brand fits into their everyday life, the key messaging points will continue to be reinforced through various communications channels.


Another key component of public relations is establishing credibility for a brand through various channels including media relations. As mention of a brand within editorial stories – online or print – are not paid for, audiences view them as third party endorsements. This is why editorial coverage in top publications including The New York Times, Forbes or USA Today is a long-term goal for many companies as it is seen as a major endorsement of a brand’s credibility. Of course, coverage in publications that do not have as large of a reach can be equally as impactful as often their audiences are very targeted.

A public relations consultant can also work with a company to establish a brand or individual within the establishment as a thought leader in the industry and a credible source for future pieces related to the industry.

Create Awareness  

In addition to engaging and maintaining existing audiences, public relations works to reach and engage new customers through editorial coverage, speaking opportunities, podcast guest spots and brand partnerships. A public relations professional will identify publications that reach the brand’s target audience and ideate story ideas that will capture the attention of and resonate with readers.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Public relations plays a role in improving search ranking of a company’s website. SEO helps your website rank in Google’s search results and drives organic traffic to the company’s website. Coverage of your company on well-established editorial websites will boost the Google web search ranking of your website. Keep an eye out on this blog for a dedicated SEO blog post!

If you have any additional questions about public relations and how it can benefit your company, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.